CIPD Festival of work



After a couple of smaller exhibitions with Personio, they asked us to design and build a larger stand for them at the CIPD Festival of Work Exhibition at Olympia. This was a big deal for Personio and the ask was that this stand made a statement.


Everything starts with people

Stand Designer


Working with the OrangeDoor Creative Team, I helped to produce the CAD floor plans and 3D Visuals.

This is the biggest Personio Exhibition that they’ve had in the UK, and we were grateful to be the ones to create this stand. We’ve helped produce their smaller shows, which had always been really well received. We’d take their brand, and really push the limits, with each show, creating new essentials for the next, and this one was no different. From a bespoke networking bar to on-stand activities, this was one of Personio most successful shows.

It was a great project to be apart of, I hope you like the outcome below!


Exhibition Design - Hannover


3D Design - Virtual Event Incentive